Agarwal, Abhineet; Tan, Yan Shuo; Ronen, Omer; Singh, Chandan; Yu, Bin, Hierarchical Shrinkage: Improving the Accuracy and Interpretability of Tree-Based Methods, Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, 2022.
Ajtai, M.; Braverman, V.; Jayram, T.S.; Silwal, S.; Sun, A.; Woodruff, D.P.; Zhou, S., The White-Box Adversarial Data Stream Model, Proceedings of the 41st ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGAI Symposium on Principles of Database Systems (PODS 2022), 15-27, 2022.
Alali, A.; Rawat, D.; Liu, C., Trajectory and Power Optimization in sub-THz band for UAV Communications, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2022), 2022.
Angelopoulos, Anastasios N; Kohli, Amit P; Bates, Stephen; Jordan, Michael I; Malik, Jitendra; Alshaabi, Thayer; Upadhyayula, Srigokul; Romano, Yaniv, Image-to-Image Regression with Distribution-Free Uncertainty Quantification and Applications in Imaging, International Conference on Machine Learning, 2022.
Baabdullah, T.; Rawat, D.; Liu, C.; Alzahrani, A., An Ensemble-Based Machine Learning for Predicting Fraud of Credit Card Transactions, Proceedings of 2022 Computing Conference, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2022.
Bartlett, Peter L.; Indyk, Piotr; Wagner, Tal, Generalization Bounds for Data-Driven Numerical Linear Algebra, Proceedings of the 35th Conference on Learning Theory (COLT2022), 2022.
Biswas, A.S.; Pyne, E.; Rubinfeld, R., Local Access to Random Walks , January 2022, Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science (ITCS 2022), 2022.
Braverman, Mark; Derakhshan, Mahsa; Lovett, Antonio Molina, Max-Weight Online Stochastic Matching: Improved Approximations Against the Online Benchmark, 23rd ACM Conference on economics and Computation, 2022.
Chatterji, Niladri S.; Bartlett, Peter L.; Long, Philip M., Oracle lower bounds for stochastic gradient sampling algorithms, Bernoulli, 28, 2, 1074-1092, 2022.
Chatterji, Niladri S.; Long, Philip M.; Bartlett, Peter L., The interplay between implicit bias and benign overfitting in two-layer linear networks, Journal of machine learning research, 2022.
Chen, J.; Eden, T.; Indyk, P.; Narayanan, S.; Rubinfeld, R.; Silwal, S.; Woodruff, D.; Zhang, M., Triangle and Four Cycle Counting with Predictions in Graph Streams, Tenth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2022), 2022.
Chen, J.; Indyk, P.; Wagner, T., Streaming Algorithms for Support-Aware Histograms, International Conference on Machine Learning, 3184-3203, 2022.
Chen, J.; Silwal, S.; Vakilian, A.; Zhang, F., Faster Fundamental Graph Algorithms via Learned Predictions, Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Machine Learning (PMLR), 3583-3602, 2022.
Cherapanamjeri, Yeshwanth; Daskalakis, Constantinos; Ilyas, Andrew; Zampetakis, Manolis, Estimation of Standard Auction Models, 23rd ACM Conference on Economics and Computation, 2022.
Cherapanamjeri, Yeshwanth; Tripuraneni, Nilesh; Bartlett, Peter L.; Jordan, Michael I., Optimal Mean Estimation without a Variance, Proceedings of the 35th Conference on Learning Theory (COLT2022), 2022.
Chewi, Sinho; Gerber, Patrik R.; Lu, Chen; Le Gouic, Thibaut; Rigollet, Philippe, The query complexity of sampling from strongly log-concave distributions in one dimension, Proceedings of Thirty Fifth Conference on Learning Theory, 178, 2041--2059, 2022.
Duncan, James; Kapoor, Rush; Agarwal, Abhineet; Singh, Chandan; Yu, Bin, VeridicalFlow: a Python package for building trustworthy data science pipelines with PCS, Journal of Open Source Software, 7, 69, 3895, 2022.
Dwivedi, Raaz; Mackey, Lester, Generalized Kernel Thinning, Tenth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2022), 2022.
Fannjiang, Clara; Bates, Stephen; Angelopoulos, Anastasios N.; Listgarten, Jennifer; Jordan, Michael I., Conformal prediction for the design problem, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2022.
Frei, Spencer; Chatterji, Niladri; Bartlett, Peter L., Benign Overfitting without Linearity: Neural Network Classifiers Trained by Gradient Descent for Noisy Linear Data, Proceedings of the 35th Conference on Learning Theory (COLT2022), 2022.
Guo, W., No-Regret Learning in Partially-Informed Auctions, International Conference on Machine Learning, 2022.
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Kelner, Jonathan A.; Koehler, Frederic; Meka, Raghu; Rohatgi, Dhruv, On the Power of Preconditioning in Sparse Linear Regression, 2021 IEEE 62nd Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS), 550 to 561, 2022.
Kelner, Jonathan; Marsden, Annie; Sharan, Vatsal; Sidford, Aaron; Valiant, Gregory; Yuan, Honglin, Big-Step-Little-Step: Efficient Gradient Methods for Objectives with Multiple Scales, Conference on Learning Theory, 2022.
Kızılda ̆g, E.; Gamarnik, D.; Zadik, I., Self-regularity of non-negative output weights for overparameterized two-layer neural networks, IEEE transactions on signal processing, 2022.
Knorr, Eric R.; Lemaire, Baptiste; Lim, Andrew; Luo, Siqiang; Zhang, Huanchen; Idreos, Stratos; Mitzenmacher, Michael, Proteus: A Self-Designing Range Filter, SIGMOD 2022, 1670 to 1684, 2022.
Kuszmaul, W.; Narayanan, S., Optimal Time-Backlog Tradeoffs for the Variable-Processor Cup Game. Accepted to, International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP 2022), 2022.
Li, Xiaoyu; Liu, Mingrui; Orabona, Francesco, On the Last Iterate Convergence of Momentum Methods, Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, 2022.
Liu, Z.; Lu, M.; Wang, Z.; Jordan, M. I.; Yang, Z., Welfare Maximization in Competitive Equilibrium: Reinforcement Learning for Markov Exchange Economy, International Conference on Machine Learning, 2022.
Mitzenmacher, Michael; Dell'Amico, Matteo, The Supermarket Model with Known and Predicted Service Times, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 1 to 1, 2022.
Mitzenmacher, Michael; Vassilvitskii, Sergei, Algorithms with predictions, Communications of the ACM, 65, 7, 33 to 35, 2022.
Mou, Wenlong; Flammarion, Nicolas; Wainwright, Martin J.; Bartlett, Peter L., Improved bounds for discretization of Langevin diffusions: Near-optimal rates without convexity, Bernoulli, 28, 3, 1577-1601, 2022.
Mou, Wenlong; Pananjady, Ashwin; Wainwright, Martin J.; Bartlett, Peter L., Optimal and instance-dependent guarantees for Markovian linear stochastic approximation, Proceedings of the 35th Conference on Learning Theory (COLT2022), 2022.
Narayanan, S., Private High-Dimensional Hypothesis Testing, Conference on Learning Theory (COLT 2022), 2022.
Nasseri, Keyan; Singh, Chandan; Duncan, James; Kornblith, Aaron; Yu, Bin, Group Probability-Weighted Tree Sums for Interpretable Modeling of Heterogeneous Data, ArXiv.org, 2022.
Perchet, Vianney; Rigollet, Philippe; Le Gouic, Thibaut, An Algorithmic Solution to the Blotto Game using Multi-marginal Couplings, Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Conference on Economics and Computation, 208-209, 2022.
Price, E.; Silwal, S.; Zhou, S., Hardness and Algorithms for Robust and Sparse Optimization 162:17926-17944, 2022., Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Machine Learning (PMLR), 162, 17926-17944, 2022.
Scully, Z; Grosof, I.; Mitzenmacher, M., Uniform Bounds for Scheduling with Job Size Estimates, 13th Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science Conference, ITCS, 2022.
Shetty, Abhishek; Dwivedi, Raaz; Mackey, Lester, Distribution Compression in Near-linear Time, Tenth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2022)., 2022.
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Singh, Chandan; Ha, Wooseok; Yu, Bin, Interpreting and Improving Deep-Learning Models with Reality Checks, Lecture notes in computer science, 2022.
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Tan, Yan Shuo; Agarwal, Abhineet; Yu, Bin, A cautionary tale on fitting decision trees to data from additive models: generalization lower bounds, Proeedings of the International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 2022.
Tan, Yan Shuo; Singh, Chandan; Nasseri, Keyan; Agarwal, Abhineet; Yu, Bin, Fast Interpretable Greedy-Tree Sums (FIGS), ArXiv.org, 2022.
Wei, Alexander; Hu, Wei; Steinhardt, Jacob, More Than a Toy: Random Matrix Models Predict How Real-World Neural Representations Generalize, International Conference on Machine Learning, 2022.
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Zhang, J.; Li, H.; Sra, S.; Jadbabaie, A., Neural Network Weights Do Not Converge to Stationary Points: An Invariant Measure Perspective, Thirty-ninth International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2022), 26330-26346, 2022.
Backurs, A; Indyk, P; Musco, C; Wagner, T, Faster Kernel Matrix Algebra via Density Estimation, International Conference on Machine Learning, 500-510, 2021.
Bartlett, Peter L.; Bubeck, Sebastien; Cherapanamjeri, Yeshwanth, Adversarial Examples in Multi-Layer Random ReLU Networks, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 34, 2021.
Bartlett, Peter L.; Montanari, Andrea; Rakhlin, Alexander, Deep learning: a statistical viewpoint, Acta Numerica, 30, 87 to 201, 2021.
Bhatia, Kush; Bartlett, Peter L.; Dragan, Anca D.; Steinhardt, Jacob, Agnostic Learning with Unknown Utilities, Leibniz international proceedings in informatics, 185, 55:1-55:20, 2021.
Biswas, A. S.; Eden, T.; Rubinfeld, R., Towards a Decomposition-Optimal Algorithm for Counting and Sampling Arbitrary Motifs in Sublinear Time, Random, 2021.
Brown, Gavin; Bun, Mark; Feldman, Vitaly; Smith, Adam; Talwar, Kunal, When is memorization of irrelevant training data necessary for high-accuracy learning?, ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computation (STOC), 123 to 132, 2021.
Cen, Sarah and, Regulating algorithmic filtering on social media, Advances in neural information processing systems, 34, 2021.
Chatterji, Niladri S.; Long, Philip M.; Bartlett, Peter L., When does gradient descent with logistic loss find interpolating two-layer networks?, Journal of machine learning research, 22, 159, 1-48, 2021.
Chatterji, Niladri; Pacchiano, Aldo; Bartlett, Peter L.; Jordan, Michael I., On the Theory of Reinforcement Learning with Once-per-Episode Feedback, Advances in neural information processing systems, 34, 2021.
Chewi, Sinho, Optimal dimension dependence of the Metropolis-Adjusted Langevin Algorithm, Proceedings of Thirty Fourth Conference on Learning Theory, 134, 2021.
Chewi, Sinho; Clancy, Julien; Le Gouic, Thibaut; Rigollet, Philippe; Stepaniants, George; Stromme, Austin, Fast and Smooth Interpolation on Wasserstein Space, Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, 130, 3061--3069, 2021.
Cosson, Romain; Shah, Devavrat, Quantifying Variational Approximation for Log-Partition Function, Annual Conference on Learning Theory, 134, 2021.
Daniels, Max; Maunu, Tyler; Hand, Paul, Score-based Generative Neural Networks for Large-Scale Optimal Transport, Advances in neural information processing systems, 34, 2021.
Daskalakis, Constantinos; Skoulakis, Stratis; Zampetakis, Manolis, The Complexity of Constrained Min-Max Optimization, Proceedings of the Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, 53, 2021.
Daskalakis, Constantinos; Stefanou, Patroklos; Yao, Rui; Zampetakis, Manolis, Efficient Truncated Linear Regression with Unknown Noise Variance, Advances in neural information processing systems, 2021.
Du, Elbert; Wang, Franklyn; Mitzenmacher, Michael, Putting the “Learning†into Learning-Augmented Algorithms for Frequency Estimation, International Conference on Machine Learning, 2021.
Eden, T.; Mossel, S.; Rubinfeld, R., Sampling Multiple Edges Efficiently, Random, 2021.
Eden, Talya; Indyk, Piotr; Narayanan, Shyam; Rubinfeld, Ronitt; Silwal, Sandeep; Wagner, Tal, Learning-based Support Estimation in Sublinear Time, International Conference on Learning Representations, 2021.
Flaspohler, Genevieve E; Orabona, Francesco; Cohen, Judah; Mouatadid, Soukayna; Oprescu, Miruna; Orenstein, Paulo; Mackey, Lester, Online Learning with Optimism and Delay, Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, 139, 2021.
Gamarnik, D.; Kizildag, E.C.; Ilias Zadik, I., Inference in high-dimensional linear regression via lattice basis reduction and integer relation detection, IEEE transactions on information theory, 2021.
Gamarnik, David; Kızıldağ, Eren C.; Zadik, Ilias, Self-Regularity of Non-Negative Output Weightsfor Overparameterized Two-Layer Neural Networks, International Symposium on Information Theory, 2021.
Guo, Wenshuo; Jordan, Michael; Zampetakis, Emmanouil, Robust Learning of Optimal Auctions, Advances in neural information processing systems, 2021.
Ha, Wooseok; Singh, Chandan; Lanusse, Francois; Upadhyayula, Srigokul; Yu, Bin, Adaptive wavelet distillation from neural networks through interpretations, Advances in neural information processing systems, 2021.
Hand, Paul; Leong, Oscar; Voroninski, Vladislav, Optimal Sample Complexity of Subgradient Descent for Amplitude Flow via Non-Lipschitz Matrix Concentration, Communications in mathematical sciences, 19, 7, 2035 - 2047, 2021.
Jain, Prateek; Rush, John; Smith, Adam; Song, Shuang; Thakurta, Abhradeep Guha, Differentially Private Model Personalization, Advances in neural information processing systems, 29723-29735, 2021.
Lam, Maximillian; Wei, Gu-Yeon; Brooks, David; Reddi, Vijay; Mitzenmacher, Michael, Gradient Disaggregation: Breaking Privacy in Federated Learning by Reconstructing the User Participant Matrix, International Conference on Machine Learning, 2021.
Li, Xiaoyu; Zhuang, Zhenxun; Orabona, Francesco, A Second look at Exponential and Cosine Step Sizes: Simplicity, Adaptivity, and Performance, Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, 139, 2021.
Macke, S.; Aliakbarpour, M.; Diakonikolas, I.; Parameswaran, A.; Rubinfeld, R., Rapid Approximate Aggregation with Distribution-Sensitive Interval Guarantees, IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering workshop, 2021.
Mitzenmacher, Michael, Queues with Small Advice, SIAM Conference on Applied and Computational Discrete Algorithms, 2021.
Muehlebach, Michael; Jordan, Michael I, On Constraints in First-Order Optimization: A View from Non-Smooth Dynamical Systems, ArXiv.org, 2021.
Narayanan, S; Silwal, S; Indyk, P; Zamir, O, Randomized Dimensionality Reduction for Facility Location and Single-Linkage Clustering, International Conference on Machine Learning, 7948-7957, 2021.
Pacchiano, Aldo; Ghavamzadeh, Mohammad; Bartlett, Peter L.; Jiang, Heinrich, Stochastic Bandits with Linear Constraints, Proceedings of The 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 130, 2827-2835, 2021.
Pacchiano, Aldo; Lee, Jonathan; Bartlett, Peter L.; Nachum, Ofir, Near Optimal Policy Optimization via REPS, Advances in neural information processing systems, 34, 2021.
Perdomo, Juan; Simchowitz, Max; Agarwal, Alekh; Bartlett, Peter L., Towards a Dimension-Free Understanding of Adaptive Linear Control, Proceedings of the 34th Conference on Learning Theory (COLT2021), 2021.
Shah, Abhin, A Computationally Efficient Method for Learning Exponential Family Distributions, Advances in neural information processing systems, 34, 2021.
Turner, Paxton, Efficient Interpolation of Density Estimators, Proceedings of The 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 130, 2021.
Turner, Paxton; Liu, Jingbo; Rigollet, Philippe, A Statistical Perspective on Coreset Density Estimation, Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, 130, 2512--2520, 2021.
Vargaftik, S.; Ben Basat, R.; Fortnoy, A.; Mendleson, G.; Ben-Itzhak, Y.; Mitzenmacher, M., DRIVE: One-bit Distributed Mean Estimation, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34 (NeurIPS 2021), 2021.
Zrnic, Tijana; Mazumdar, Eric; Sastry, Shankar; Jordan, Michael I, Who Leads and Who Follows in Strategic Classification?, ArXiv.org, 2021.